Event Ideas

Your Finest Hour For Hospice event can be as simple as you like and can be organised in line your resources. The most important thing is that employees are being treated to something special in exchange for donating an hour of their salary to hospice. Here are some ideas to get you started!


Get coffee and pastries in for the staff & take an hour to chat with your colleagues over a cuppa.


Get your teams favourite takeaway delivered at lunchtime for everyone in the office.


  • Host a meditation or yoga session during lunchbreak.
  • Offer employees some flexi-time to finish work an hour early or arrive at the office an hour later
  • Simply give people an hour off to do something important to them such as spend time with family or friends or do an activity they enjoy.


Give each employee a ticket with a number on it. Each ticket corresponds with a number written on a balloon. Each balloon has a treat inside such as; an extra annual leave day, an afternoon off work, a movie or concert tickets or a free Monday morning coffee!

Are you ready to sign up?
Here’s how:

  1. Register on behalf of your company by clicking on the Register My Company button and select the hospice your organisation wishes to support.
  2. Download your digital pack containing assets to support your company to participate and engage employees in the event.
  3. Choose a date in April for your company to give an hour of time to employees.
  4. Communicate your company’s plan to participate internally with employees using our email template included in your digital pack.
  5. Circulate your company’s personalised fundraising URL where employees are asked to donate an hour of their salary using our online wage calculator.


**Top tip! Donations can be made anonymous – simply choose to hide your name or the amount when making a donation.
